Cigars are known as a luxury item, and if they have been aged over a certain amount of time, they are seen to be rarer and more in demand. The process of making a cigar is a complex one, that takes a long time so it is important that the flavor is truly savoured. But how are cigars made? Let’s take a closer look at Findy Cigar Company & Hookah Lounge in South Tampa. The Planting Process Tobacco is grown from a very small seed, that has to be planted when it is coated in clay. The clay makes the seed...
Is it Better to Smoke Cigars That Have Just Been Rolled? The short answer to this question is no, it is not. Cigars have to be rested in order to develop their flavor. Watching a cigar being rolled at Findy Cigar Company & Hookah Lounge in South Tampa is a beautiful sight as it takes a lot of craftsmanship, and if you get the opportunity to witness this, then you should. A professional cigar roller understands the delicate ratios of tobacco to filler, and carefully rolls it into the binder leaves and wrapper. The skill of rolling a cigar can take...
How to light a cigar? What lighters to use? Lighting a cigar is not always the way you may think, so that's why Findy Cigars in South Tampa, FL is here to help! Lighting a cigar is very different from lighting a cigarette, and if you are new to the cigar world, it can take some getting used to. The process takes far longer and requires a great deal of patience, but it is worth the reward. If, at first, you don't get the process right, simply try again, as practice makes perfect. It is important to ensure that your cigar is...