While venturing into the world of cigars, you may come across some terms that you are not aware of. To help you out, we've collated a list of common nicknames and slang words in the field and their definitions. These terms are popular all around the world, however, these terms are particularly prominent in South Tampa - many of these terms even started here! Let's take a look. Stogie One of the most common nicknames used for a cigar is a stogie. The word derives from Pennsylvania in a small town called Conestoga. This town was home to Amish people and...
Being tied in to the community is paramount at Findy Cigar Company & Hookah Lounge and there's no better way to help the community then by supporting our local youth through strategic partnerships.
Cuban cigars come with a solid reputation and a seal of quality, but due to this, however, they are often replicated. Fake Cuban cigars often make their way to the market, unbeknownst to consumers.
Cigar lovers often debate the age-old question of how long to age cigars. Cigars are very similar to other luxuries such as wine, where they can taste better with age, up until a certain point.